Premier - Latest Hornchurch News

Seaden, Monville and Leahy new for the Urchins
Hornchurch Seaden, Monville and Leahy new for the Urchins By Ian Townsend

Hornchurch bring in Billericay keeper Harry Seaden, Concord Rangers forward Quentin Monville and former Cardiff City winger Jack Leahy

Midfielder Munns back with the Urchins
Hornchurch Midfielder Munns back with the Urchins By Ian Townsend

Jack Munns returns to Hornchurch- after a short time away with Concord Rangers

Saunders back with the Urchins
Hornchurch Saunders back with the Urchins By Ian Townsend

George Saunders returns to Hornchurch

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