Shot of the Season: Grant Williams

By Ian Townsend

We’re asking our fabulous photographers to send in their favourite image of the Pitching In Isthmian season and explain why it’s important to them. Grant shows the thin line between success and failure.

When was the image taken (match, event, etc)?

The Photo shows Billericay Town FC player Alfie Cerulli celebrating the first of his two goals in the Isthmian Premier League Game in the 2-0 win over Concord Rangers at New Lodge , 1st April 2024.

Why is it important to you?

The photo is special to me because it shows the two raw emotions of a game - the joy of scoring (and in this case Town’s continued drive for a play off spot) and the pain a player experiences when his side concede (and in this case , relegation looming).

Where can we find the rest of your work?

The rest of my work can be found on Billericay Town FC’s social media pages and my personal instagram account @grantwilliams_photography

Thank you Grant- now who's next? Send you image- and your answers to the questions- to Ian at and you'll see it here soon.

Follow the Pitching In Isthmian League on Instagram. Head here or search for theisthmianleague on your app. We're also on Facebook and Twitter.

Where next?

Shot of the Season: Nicky Hayes We’re asking our fabulous photographers to send in their favourite image of the Pitching In Isthmian season and explain why it’s important to them. Nicky delivers both joy and pain.
Shot of the Season: James Brown We’re asking our fabulous photographers to send in their favourite image of the Pitching In Isthmian season and explain why it’s important to them. James didn’t find a pot of gold, despite two rainbows!

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