Shot of the Season: Nicky Hayes

By Ian Townsend

We’re asking our fabulous photographers to send in their favourite image of the Pitching In Isthmian season and explain why it’s important to them. Nicky delivers both joy and pain.

When was the image taken (match, event, etc)?

Bowers & Pitsea v Brentwood Town- Pitching In Isthmian North Play Off Final

Why is it important to you?

Penalty shoot outs always produce drama and unfortunately somebody always misses a vital penalty. This photo in my opinion captures the emotions of such an event as one group celebrate victory one distraught player cannot hide his despair...Penalty shoot outs captured in one image.

Where can we find the rest of your work?

Twitter (X) NickyhayesPhoto

Thank you Nicky- now who's next? Send you image- and your answers to the questions- to Ian at and you'll see it here soon.

Follow the Pitching In Isthmian League on Instagram. Head here or search for theisthmianleague on your app. We're also on Facebook and Twitter.

Where next?

Shot of the Season: Paul Richards We’re asking our fabulous photographers to send in their favourite image of the Pitching In Isthmian season and explain why it’s important to them. Paul recalls an Ites milestone.
Shot of the Season: Grant Williams We’re asking our fabulous photographers to send in their favourite image of the Pitching In Isthmian season and explain why it’s important to them. Grant shows the thin line between success and failure.

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