Shot of the Season: Nigel Hakes

By Ian Townsend

We’re asking our fabulous photographers to send in their favourite image of the Pitching In Isthmian season and explain why it’s important to them. A flying Witham goal is our latest choice

When was the image taken (match, event, etc)?

The picture was taken at the Isthmian League North match between Witham Town and Gorleston, which Witham won 3-2

Why is it important to you?

It's important to me because this is the first time I managed to photograph a flying kick that resulted in a goal that wasn't obstructed by other players

Where can we find the rest of your work?

On Flickr- here.

Thank you- now who's next? Send you image- and your answers to the questions- to Ian at and you'll see it here soon.

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Where next?

Danny's the boss! Danny Kedwell takes over at Ashford United- with Dean Beckwith his Assistant
Bukowski exits the Woods Ben Bukowski is Northwood boss no more

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